Add your board:
1. Create a copy of the STM32/variants/xxx folder with a name of your choice.
Use one that is the most similar to your board
2. Edit the ldscript.ld file
- Change the _estack to point to the end of RAM
- FLASH LENGTH to be the size of RAM of the microcontroller
- RAM LENGTH to be the size of RAM of the microcontroller
3. Edit the variant.h file
- Change LED_BUILTIN, MOSI, MISO... macros to point to the primary LED, primary SPI, primary I2C pins.
- Add board specific macros if the board has extra leds, buttons, SPI CS select lines etc...
- If the board has pin name - pin number assigments (for example arduino headers), Copy the VARIANT_PIN_LIST_DEFAULT from
file, rename to VARIANT_PIN_LIST, and rearrange accordingly.
4. Edit the variant.c file
- Run STM32CubeMX, select the chip for your board
- If the board has external crystal, set RCC HSE to crystal. In clock configuration, set PLL Source to HSE, set HSE to the frequency of the board crystal.
- Set some peripherals (SPI, I2C, SDIO, USB, ...), so that the clock configuration will generate extra code needed for those peripherals, and bounds check the frequencies.
- Go to clock configuration, set everything to maximum :), let CubeMX figure out the rest.
- Click generate. Set toolchain/IDE to SW4STM32. Clik OK
- From the generated src/main.c, copy
void SystemClock_Config(void) {
into yourvariant/.../variant.c
5. Edit the boards.txt file
Copy one that is the most similar to your board
- Rename the board
- Change
to your cortex-mX version - Change
to STM32XX, where XX is the chip series - Change
to be the exact chip version - Change
to the RAM/FLASH size of the chip - If the external crystal is not the board default in
, add-DHSE_VALUE=8000000
- TODO explain upload / usb / serial menu options
6. Restart
Restart Arduino IDE
7. Run the blink example on your new board
Run examples / basic / blink